▼Ndenoptim | |
►Ncombinatorial | |
CCEBLUtils | Helper methods for the exploration of the fragment space |
CCheckPoint | Object collecting information needed to restart a FragSpaceExplorer job |
CCombinatorialExplorerByLayer | Generates all combinators of fragments by means of asynchronous threads |
CGraphBuildingTask | Task that builds a graph by appending a given combination of fragments onto a given list of attachment points of a given root graph |
►Nconstants | |
CDENOPTIMConstants | General set of constants used in DENOPTIM |
►Nexception | |
CDENOPTIMException | |
CExceptionUtils | |
►Nfiles | |
CFileAndFormat | A file with a conventional representation of its format |
►CFileFormat | File formats identified by DENOPTIM |
CDataKind | The kind of data found in a file |
CFileUtils | |
CSingletonFileAccess | Singleton for synchronizing multi-thread safe file access |
CUndetectedFileFormatException | Exception thrown when the format of a file is not recognized |
►Nfitness | |
►Ndescriptors | |
CSocketProvidedDescriptor | Sends the request to produce a numerical descriptor to a defined socket and receives back the response |
►CSocketProvidedDescriptorTest | Unit test for descriptor SocketProvidedDescriptor |
CMySocketServer | |
CRequestHandler | |
CTanimotoMolSimilarity | Calculates the molecular similarity against a target compound the fingerprint of which is given as parameter |
CTanimotoMolSimilarityBySubstructure | Calculates the molecular similarity against a target compound the fingerprint of which is given as parameter, and using a given list of substructures |
CTanimotoMolSimilarityTest | Unit test for descriptor TanimotoMolSimilarity |
CDescriptorForFitness | This is a reference to a specific descriptor value |
CDescriptorUtils | |
CDescriptorUtilsTest | Unit test for descriptor utils |
►CFitnessExpressionParser | Class parsing fitness expression by means of Expression Language |
CCustomVariableDefiningContext | In this context we only need to know that "Variable" is mapped to the class Variable |
CVariableDefiningContext | This is the context on which we read a fitness expression, and parse it to identify all variables in the expression |
CFitnessExpressionParserTest | Unit test for parser of fitness-defining expressions |
CFitnessParameters | Settings defining the calculation of fitness |
CFitnessProvider | DENOPTIM's (internal) fitness provider calculates the value of Variable s that are used in an expression for calculating a single numerical results, i.e., the fitness |
CFitnessProviderTest | Unit test for internal fitness provider |
CIDenoptimDescriptor | This interface forces descriptors that are not defined in the CDK ontology to provide information that would otherwise be found in the ontology |
CVariable | A variable in the expression defining the fitness |
►Nfragmenter | |
CBridgeHeadFindingRule | SMARTS-based rules to identify potential bridge head atoms for ring fusion operations |
CClusterableFragment | Represents a fragment that can be clustered based on the 3*N coordinate of atoms and attachment points, i.e., N is the sum of atoms and attachment points |
CClusterableFragmentTest | Unit test for fragmenter's tools |
CConformerExtractorTask | Task that analyzes an isomorphic family of fragments to identify the most representative fragment (i.e., the champion) |
CConformerExtractorTaskTest | Unit test for fragmenter's tools |
CDynamicCentroidCluster | A cluster with a centroid that can be updated after definition of the cluster |
CDynamicCentroidClusterTest | Unit test for fragmenter's tools |
CFragmentAlignement | Class performing the alignment of Fragment s |
CFragmentAlignementTest | Unit test for fragmenter's tools |
►CFragmentClusterer | |
CDistanceAsRMSD | Distance in terms of RMSD between sets of 3D points expressed as a single vector of coordinates [x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,...xN,yN,zN] |
CFragmentClustererTest | Unit test for fragmenter's tools |
CFragmenterTask | Task that performs the various steps in the process that prepares chemical structured to be chopped, chops them, and post-process the resulting fragments |
CFragmenterTools | |
CFragmenterToolsTest | Unit test for fragmenter's tools |
CParallelConformerExtractionAlgorithm | Runs threads that extract the most representative conformer of fragments given as input |
CParallelFragmentationAlgorithm | Fragments a list of chemical systems by running parallel fragmentation tasks |
CParallelFragmentationAlgorithmTest | Unit test for fparallel ragmentation algorithm components |
CScaffoldingPolicy | Defines how to define the scaffold vertex of a graph |
►Nfragspace | |
CAPMapFinder | An utility class to encapsulate the search for an AttachmentPoint -AttachmentPoint mapping |
CAPMapFinderTest | Unit test |
CFragmentSpace | Class defining a space of building blocks |
CFragmentSpaceParameters | Parameters defining the fragment space |
►CFragmentSpaceTest | Unit test for fragment space |
CTestCase | |
CFragmentSpaceUtils | Utility class for the fragment space |
CFragsCombination | Data structure identifying a combination of one or more pairs of attachment points located on specific fragments/vertices |
CFragsCombinationIterator | Factory of combination of fragments |
CGraphLinkFinder | An utility class to encapsulate the search for vertexes that satisfy constraints |
CGraphLinkFinderTest | Unit test |
CIdFragmentAndAP | Data structure containing information that identifies a single AP of a vertex/fragment |
►Nga | |
►CEAUtils | Helper methods for the genetic algorithm |
CCandidateSource | A chosen method for generation of new Candidate s |
CEAUtilsTest | Unit test |
CEvolutionaryAlgorithm | DENOPTIM's evolutionary algorithm |
CExternalCmdsListener | Service that watches the interface folder (i.e., see GAParameters#interfaceDir ) for instructions coming from outside the JVM |
►CGraphOperations | Collection of operators meant to alter graphs and associated utilities |
CFragForClosabChains | Private class representing a selected closable chain of fragments |
►CGraphOperationsTest | Unit test |
CExtractPatternCase | |
COffspringEvaluationTask | Task that calls the fitness provider for an offspring that can become a member of the current population |
►CPopulation | A collection of candidates |
CXoverSitesAmongCandidates | A data structure collecting crossover-compatible sites |
CPopulationTest | Unit test |
CSeelctionHelperTest | Unit test |
CSelectionHelper | Class that offers methods to performs fitness-driven selection of candidates |
CXoverSite | This class collects the data identifying the subgraphs that would be swapped by a crossover event |
CXoverSiteTest | Unit test |
►Ngraph | |
►Nrings | |
CChainLink | ChainLink represents a vertex in a closable chain |
CClosableChain | ClosableChain represents a chain of fragments (chain links) that is closable (or candidate closable) |
►CCyclicGraphHandler | This is a tool to identify and manage vertices' connections not included in the DGraph , which is a spanning tree, thus connections that identify cyclic paths in the graph |
CClosableConf | Utility class to handle the simultaneous closeness condition |
CPathClosabilityTools | Tool box for determining whether a chain of atoms, i.e., a path, can be folded as to form a ring-closing bond that transforms the open chain in a ring |
CPathClosabilityToolsTest | Unit test for path closability tools |
CPathSubGraph | This object represents a path in a DGraph |
CPathSubGraphTest | Unit test for PathSubGraph |
CRandomCombOfRingIteratorTest | Unit test for the iterator over random combination of rings |
CRandomCombOfRingsIterator | A class for iterating over sets of ring combinations generated by considering any constrain and setting defined in the fragment space and ring-closure settings and by randomly picking candidates when no criterion can be used to take an informed decision |
CRingClosingAttractor | The RingClosingAttractor represent the available valence/connection that allows to close a ring |
CRingClosingConformations | Serializable object to store/get a list of conformations that allow to close a ring from an open chain of atoms |
CRingClosure | RingClosure represents the arrangement of atoms and PseudoAtoms identifying the head and tail of a chain of atoms |
CRingClosureFinder | Tool to explore the conformational space of chains of atoms and identify ring closing conformations |
CRingClosureParameters | Parameters and setting related to handling ring closures |
CRingClosuresArchive | Data structure to store and handle information about sub-structures (i.e., chains of fragments) and ring closure capability |
CRingSizeManager | Utility class to calculate and manage the alternative ring sizes achievable by formation of Ring s |
CRingSizeManagerTest | Unit test for ring size manager |
►Nsimplified | |
CNode | This class represents a subgraph feature that defined the structure of a graph |
CNodeConnection | This class represents an edge that is undirected and ignores attachment points |
CUndirectedEdge | This class represents an undirected version of the edge between two vertices |
►CAPClass | |
CAPClassDeserializer | |
CAPClassTest | Unit test for APClass |
CAPMapping | Class representing a mapping between attachment points (APs) |
►CAPTreeMap | Attachment point mapping where keys are sorted by natural ordering, i.e., by AttachmentPoint#compareTo(AttachmentPoint) |
CAPMapSerializer | Method that serializes this class without creating loops of references |
CAttachmentPoint | An attachment point (AP) is a possibility to attach a Vertex onto the vertex holding the AP (i.e., the owner of the AP), this way forming a new Edge (i.e., the user of the AP) |
CAttachmentPointComparator | Comparator for DENOPTIMAttachmentPoints |
CAttachmentPointTest | Unit test for DENOPTIMAttachmentPoint |
CCandidate | A candidate is the combination of a denoptim graph with molecular representation and may include also fitness/error, and possibly other stuff |
CCandidateLW | A light-weight candidate is a very low-demanding collection of data upon a specific candidate item |
►CDGraph | Container for the list of vertices and the edges that connect them |
CDENOPTIMGraphDeserializer | |
CDENOPTIMGraphSerializer | We expect unique IDs for vertices |
CEdgeFinder | Utility to make selection of edges to a vertex tunable by a parameter |
CStringFormat | Identifier for the format of string representations of a graph |
CDGraphTest | Unit test for DENOPTIMGraph |
►CEdge | This class represents the edge between two vertices |
CBondType | Possible chemical bond types an edge can represent |
CDENOPTIMEdgeSerializer | |
CEdgeQuery | A query for edges: a list of properties that target edges should possess in order to match this query |
CEdgeTest | Unit test for DENOPTIMEdge |
CEmptyVertex | An empty vertex has the behaviors of a vertex, but has no molecular structure |
CFragIsomorphEdge | |
CFragIsomorphNode | |
CFragment | Class representing a continuously connected portion of chemical object holding attachment points |
CFragmentIsomorphismInspector | |
CFragmentIsomorphismInspectorTest | Unit test for isomorphism inspector |
CFragmentTest | Unit test for DENOPTIMFragment |
CGraphPattern | |
CRelatedAPPair | Class representing a pair of AttachmentPoint s related by some property that is defined by string |
CRelatedAPPairTest | |
►CRing | This class represents the closure of a ring in a spanning tree |
CDENOPTIMRingSerializer | |
CRingTest | Unit test |
►CSymmetricAPs | A collection of AttachmentPoint s that are related by a relation that we call "symmetry", even though this class does not define what such relation is |
CSymmetricAPsSerializer | |
CSymmetricAPsTest | |
CSymmetricSet | Class representing a list of references pointing to instances that are related by some conventional criterion that is referred to as "symmetry relation" |
CSymmetricSetWithMode | Class coupling a reference to a SymmetricSet with a string that we call "mode" and can is used to store any sort of information |
CSymmetricSetWithModeTest | |
►CSymmetricVertexes | A collection of Vertex s that are related by a relation that we call "symmetry", even though this class does not define what such relation is |
CSymmetricVertexesSerializer | |
►CTemplate | |
CContractLevel | Enum specifying to what extent the template's inner graph can be changed |
CTemplateTest | Unit test for DENOPTIMTemplate |
CUndirectedEdgeRelationTest | Unit test for UndirectedEdge |
►CVertex | A vertex is a data structure that has an identity and holds a list of AttachmentPoint s |
CBBType | The type of building block |
CDENOPTIMVertexDeserializer | |
CVertexType | Flag declaring the type of Vertex implementation |
CVertexQuery | Query for searching vertices |
CVertexTest | Unit test for DENOPTIMVertex |
►Ngui | |
CButtonsBar | Standardised horizontal bar with padded components, which are meant to be JButtons |
►CCompatibilityMatrixForm | |
CCompatibilityRuleLine | Single line in the list of APClass compatibility rules |
CCompatRulesHeader | |
CTargetAPClassToken | |
CTrgRemovalListener | Listens for clicks that require removal of a compatible APClass (i.e., the target APClass) from the existing rule of a source APClass |
►CCuttingRulesSelectionDialog | A modal dialog to define parameters for fragmentation and fragment filtering |
CMyJSVGCanvas | Special canvas that overrides the set interpretation of mouse+key input to achieve a simplified zoom/pan capability using only BUTTON1 and SHIFT or CTRL keys |
CSMARTSVisualizationButton | A button that opens a modal dialog displaying the PNGs with a visual representation of SMARTS queries that are selected in the table given upon construction |
►CDNPSpringLayout | This layout extends the SpringLayout to change its behaviour |
CRecreateKnownPositions | |
►CFitnessParametersForm | Form collecting input parameters for a setting-up the fitness provider |
CAtomSpecExpressionDefinition | |
CDescriptorTreeNode | |
CParametrizedDescriptorDefinition | |
►CFragmentViewPanel | A panel with a molecular viewer and attachment point table |
CPausableTableModelListener | |
CFSEParametersForm | Form collecting input parameters for a combinatorial/virtual screening experiment performed by FragSpaceExplorer |
CFSParametersForm | Form collecting input parameters for defining the fragment space |
CFSParamsDialog | A modal dialog to define a fragment space and load it |
►CGAParametersForm | Form collecting input parameters for a genetic algorithm experiment |
CProbabilityFuncitonShape | The identifiers of probability function shapes that are available |
►CGraphVertexMolViewerPanel | A panel that collects three viewers: |
CMouseModeChoiceListener | Listener for identifying the node on which the user has clicked and load the corresponding fragment into the fragment viewer pane |
CNodeClickedListener | Listener for identifying the node on which the user has clicked and load the corresponding fragment into the fragment viewer pane |
►CGraphViewerPanel | A Panel that holds the JUNG representation of a graph |
CEdgeDrawPaintTransformer | |
CEdgeLabelTransformer | |
CEdgeStrokeTransformer | |
CGraphOptsPopup | |
CJEdge | An edge in the JUNG Graph |
CJVertex | Vertex in the JUNG Graph |
CJVertexType | |
CLabelType | |
CPopupGraphMousePlugin | |
CVertexFillPaintTransformer | |
CVertexLabelTransformer | |
CVertexShapePaintTransformer | |
CGUI | Graphical User Interface of the DENOPTIM package |
CGUIAPClassDefinitionDialog | |
►CGUICardPanel | Class of GUI panels meant to occupy one card in the deck-of-cards layout of the main panel |
CremoveCardActionListener | Remove the card from the deck of cards and takes care of removing also the entry in the list of active tabs |
CGUICompatibilityMatrixTab | A panel for handling of compatibility matrix |
CGUIEmptyVertexMaker | |
CGUIFileOpener | File opener for DENOPTIM GUI |
CGUIFileSaver | GUI component to provide pathname where to save stuff |
►CGUIGraphHandler | A panel that understands DENOPTIM graphs and allows to create and edit them |
►CConfigTemplateDialog | Dialog to configure one or more templates |
CTemplateConfiguration | Utility class for a form to configure a template via the GUI |
CGraphSpinnerChangeEvent | |
CshowHideLabelsListener | |
CGUIInspectFSERun | A panel that allows to inspect the output of an combinatorial experiment exploring a fragment space |
►CGUIInspectGARun | A panel that allows to inspect the output of an artificial evolution experiment |
CGenerationChoiceDialog | Modal dialog that asks the user for a generation number |
CPlottedCandidatesComparator | |
CGUIMainPanel | The main panel is a deck of cards that occupies all the GUI frame |
CGUIModalDialog | |
►CGUIPreferences | The collection of tunable preferences |
CSMITo3DEngine | Available engines used to do SMILES-to-3D conversion |
CGUIPreferencesDialog | |
CGUIPrepare | Class representing the general structure of a form including a specific set of parameter collections |
►CGUIPrepareFitnessRunner | Form that allows to test the configuration of a fitness provider |
CInputForm | |
CGUIPrepareFSERun | Master form containing all sub-forms that need to be filled to define the input parameters for FragSpaceExplorer |
CGUIPrepareGARun | Master form containing all sub-forms that need to be filled to define the input parameters for DenoptimGA |
CGUITextReader | A panel that allows to print the content of a text file into a GUI tab |
►CGUIVertexInspector | A panel with a viewer capable of visualising DENOPTIM fragments and allows to create and edit fragments |
CVrtxSpinnerChangeEvent | |
►CGUIVertexSelector | A modal dialog with a viewer that understands the different types of DENOPTIM vertex and allows to select vertices and, if needed, attachment points |
CVrtxSpinnerChangeEvent | |
CHomePanel | The home panel contains shortcuts buttons to perform the most common tasks |
CILoadFragSpace | Implemented by GUI components that want to allow user-driven loading of the fragment space |
CIParametersForm | Interface for parameter forms |
CIVertexAPSelection | Interface for all vertex viewers that intend to allow selection of attachment points |
CJmolPanel | |
CJUNGGraphSnapshot | This class collects information on how a graph was displayed in a JUNG visialisation server (i.e., node positions and visible labels) |
►CMainToolBar | Main tool bar of the DENOPTIM graphical user interface |
CRecentFileItem | |
CMoleculeViewPanel | A panel with a molecular viewer and data table |
CMolToGraphParametersDialog | |
►CParametersForm | General structure of a form for collecting input parameters of various nature |
CCmbFieldChange | |
CFieldListener | |
CRdbFieldChange | |
CTabFieldChange | |
CScrollableJPupupMenu | A popup menu' that has a fixed size and can be scrolled to see menu items that do not fit into the fixed-size panel |
CUtils | |
►CVertexAsGraphViewPanel | A panel to visualize a vertex as a graph component with attachment point table |
CPausableTableModelListener | |
►CVertexAsTwoDimStructureViewPanel | A panel to visualize a vertex as two-dimensional chemical structure with attachment point table |
CAtomOrAPGenerator | |
CPausableTableModelListener | |
CTwoDimStructurePanel | Panel dealing with the painting of 2D chemical representation |
CVertexViewPanel | A panel for visualizing vertices |
►Nintegration | |
►Npython | |
CPy4JGetawayServer | A tool that start a Py4J gateway server that can listens to calls from Python and translate JAVA objects to make their functionality available to in the Python environment |
►Ntinker | |
CConformationalSearchPSSROT | Toolkit to perform conformational search via Tinker PSSROT program |
CTinkerAtom | Based on the code from ffx.kenai.com Michael J |
CTinkerBond | |
CTinkerConstants | General set of constants used to deal with Tinker |
CTinkerException | Exceptions resulting from a failure of Tinker |
CTinkerMolecule | |
CTinkerUtils | Toolbox of utilities for Tinker style molecular representation |
►Nio | |
CDenoptimIO | Utility methods for input/output |
CDenoptimIOTest | Unit test for input/output |
CIteratingAtomContainerReader | An iterator that take IAtomContainer s from a file, possibly using an available iterating reader, or, if such reader does not exist, reads the whole file and collects the containers exposing the iterator over the list of containers |
CSMILESListFormat | Class for recognizing file containing a list of SMILES |
CSMILESListFormatTest | Unit test for SMILES List Format |
►Njson | |
►CDENOPTIMgson | Class for de/serializing DENOPTIM graphs from/to JSON format |
CDENOPTIMExclusionStrategy | |
CDENOPTIMExclusionStrategyNoAPMap | |
CDENOPTIMgsonTest | Unit test for DENOPTIMgson |
CIAtomContainerDeserializer | Deserialisation of collections of both light-weight atoms and bonds into a CDK IAtomContainer |
CIAtomContainerSerializer | Class to serialise CDK's IAtomContainer in a simplified manner |
CLWAtom | A light-weight atom representation to facilitate json serialization of IAtom |
CLWBond | A light-weight bond representation to facilitate json serialization of IBond |
►Nlogging | |
CCounterID | Identifier of a counter |
CHTMLLogFormatter | |
CMonitor | A collection of counters user to count actions taken by the evolutionary algorithm |
CStaticLogger | Logger class for DENOPTIM |
CVersion | Class handling DENOPTIM's version identifier for headers |
►Nmain | |
CBehavior | Represents the behavior of the program at start-up |
CCLIOptions | |
►CMain | Entry point of any kind of run of the DENOPTIM program |
CRunType | Types of runs that can be requested to the DENOPTIM Main class |
CMainTest | |
►Nmolecularmodeling | |
CChemicalObjectModel | Collector of molecular information, related to a single chemical object, that is deployed within the 3D builder |
CMMBuilderUtils | Utilities for molecular models builder |
CMultiMolecularModelBuilder | |
►CRingClosureTool | Toolkit to perform ring closing conformational search |
CRingClosedMolComparator | Compares the Molecule3DBuilder afters ring closing-biased conformational adaptation |
CThreeDimTreeBuilder | Tool to build build three-dimensional (3D) tree-like molecular structures from DGraph |
CThreeDimTreeBuilderTest | Unit test for TreeBuilder3D |
►Nprograms | |
►Ncombinatorial | |
CCEBLParameters | Parameters controlling execution of the combinatorial algorithm for exploration of a fragment space by layer (CEBL) |
CFragSpaceExplorer | Combinatorial exploration of the fragment space |
►Ndenovo | |
CGAParameters | Parameters for genetic algorithm |
CGAParametersTest | Unit test |
CGARunner | Programs that runs de novo design by a genetic algorithm |
►Nfitnessevaluator | |
CFitnessEvaluationTask | Task that calls the fitness provider |
CFitnessRunner | Stand-alone fitness provider |
CFPRunner | Runs a fitness provider task as defined in the static parameters |
CFRParameters | Parameters controlling execution of FitnessRunner |
►Nfragmenter | |
CCuttingRule | A cutting rule with three SMARTS queries (atom 1, bond, atom2) and options |
CFragmenter | Tool to create fragments by chopping 2D/3D chemical structures |
CFragmenterParameters | Parameters controlling execution of the fragmenter |
CMatchedBond | |
►Ngenetweeker | |
CGeneOpsRunner | Tool to run genetic operations in a stand-alone fashion, i.e., outside of a genetic algorithm run |
►CGeneOpsRunnerParameters | Parameters controlling execution of TestOperator |
COperator | Testable Operators |
►Ngrapheditor | |
CGraphEditor | Tool for editing DGraph s |
CGraphEdParameters | Parameters controlling execution of GraphEditor |
►Ngraphlisthandler | |
CGraphListsHandler | Tool for handling lists of graphs |
CGraphListsHandlerParameters | Parameters controlling execution of GraphEditor |
►Nisomorphism | |
CIsomorphism | Tool to perform isomorphism analysis on DGraph s |
CIsomorphismParameters | Parameters controlling execution of Isomorphism main class |
►Nmol2graph | |
CMol2Graph | Tool for creating DGraph s from molecules |
CMol2GraphParameters | Parameters controlling execution of GraphEditor |
►Nmoldecularmodelbuilder | |
CMMBuilderParameters | Parameters for the conformer generator (3D builder) |
CMolecularModelBuilder | Builder of molecular models |
►CRunTimeParameters | Collection of parameters controlling the behavior of the software |
CParametersType | Identifier of the type of parameters |
►Ntask | |
CFitnessTask | Task that assesses the fitness of a given graph |
CParallelAsynchronousTaskExecutor | Runs tasks parallel in asynchronous fashion |
CProcessHandler | |
CProgramTask | Task structure for any of the main programs in the denoptim project, such as genetic algorithm and combinatorial exploration of fragment spaces |
►CStaticTaskManager | Manager for tasks submitted by the GUI |
CShutDownHook | Shutdown hook that stops all child tasks upon shutdown of JavaVM |
CStreamGobbler | See http://www.javaworld.com/jw-12-2000/jw-1229-traps.html?page=4 |
CTask | A task that can throw exceptions |
CTasksBatchManager | Class that manages the submission of a batch of tasks |
►Nutils | |
CAtomOrganizer | Tool for re-organizing the list of atoms of an IAtomContainer |
CCartesianSpaceUtils | Utilities for working in the Cartesian space |
CConnectedLigand | A ConnectedLigand is just an atom with an explicit field reporting the number of connected atoms |
CConnectedLigandComparator | Compare two ConnectedLigand according to the number of connected atoms and the mass number |
CCrossoverType | Types of crossover defined |
CDummyAtomHandler | Toll to add/remove dummy atoms from linearities or multi-hapto sites |
CFormulaUtils | Utilities for manipulating molecular formulas |
CFormulaUtilsTest | Unit test for tools manipulating molecular formulae |
CGeneralUtils | General utilities |
CGenUtilsTest | Unit test |
CGraphConversionTool | Tool to convert string into graphs and into molecular representation |
CGraphConversionToolTest | Unit test for GraphConversionTool |
►CGraphEdit | Definition of a graph editing task |
CEditTask | Defined the kind of graph editing task |
CGraphUtils | Utilities for graphs |
CManySMARTSQuery | Container of lists of atoms matching a list of SMARTS |
CMathUtils | Some useful math operations |
CMoleculeUtils | Utilities for molecule conversion |
CMoleculeUtilsTest | Unit test for DENOPTIMMoleculeUtils |
CMutationType | Types of mutation defined in relation to what happens to the target vertex (i.e., the actual mutation site), and the child vertices, i.e., any vertices reachable by a directed path from the target vertex |
CObjectPair | This class is the equivalent of the Pair data structure used in C++ Although AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<K,V>> is available it does not have a setValue method |
CRandomizer | Tool to generate random numbers and random decisions |
CRandomizerTest | Unit test |
CRingClosingUtils | Toolbox useful when dealing with Ring Closing Attractors and ring closures |
CRotationalSpaceUtils | Tool box for definition and management of the rotational space, which is given by the list of rotatable bonds |
CSizeControlledSet | Class meant to collect unique strings without leading to memory overflow |
CSizeControlledSetTest | Unit test for SizeControlledSet |
CStatUtils | Utilities for calculating basic statistics |
CTaskUtils | Utilities for tasks |