Classes | |
class | ChainLink |
ChainLink represents a vertex in a closable chain. More... | |
class | ClosableChain |
ClosableChain represents a chain of fragments (chain links) that is closable (or candidate closable). More... | |
class | CyclicGraphHandler |
This is a tool to identify and manage vertices' connections not included in the DGraph , which is a spanning tree, thus connections that identify cyclic paths in the graph. More... | |
class | PathClosabilityTools |
Tool box for determining whether a chain of atoms, i.e., a path, can be folded as to form a ring-closing bond that transforms the open chain in a ring. More... | |
class | PathClosabilityToolsTest |
Unit test for path closability tools. More... | |
class | PathSubGraph |
This object represents a path in a DGraph . More... | |
class | PathSubGraphTest |
Unit test for PathSubGraph. More... | |
class | RandomCombOfRingIteratorTest |
Unit test for the iterator over random combination of rings. More... | |
class | RandomCombOfRingsIterator |
A class for iterating over sets of ring combinations generated by considering any constrain and setting defined in the fragment space and ring-closure settings and by randomly picking candidates when no criterion can be used to take an informed decision. More... | |
class | RingClosingAttractor |
The RingClosingAttractor represent the available valence/connection that allows to close a ring. More... | |
class | RingClosingConformations |
Serializable object to store/get a list of conformations that allow to close a ring from an open chain of atoms. More... | |
class | RingClosure |
RingClosure represents the arrangement of atoms and PseudoAtoms identifying the head and tail of a chain of atoms. More... | |
class | RingClosureFinder |
Tool to explore the conformational space of chains of atoms and identify ring closing conformations. More... | |
class | RingClosureParameters |
Parameters and setting related to handling ring closures. More... | |
class | RingClosuresArchive |
Data structure to store and handle information about sub-structures (i.e., chains of fragments) and ring closure capability. More... | |
class | RingSizeManager |
Utility class to calculate and manage the alternative ring sizes achievable by formation of Ring s. More... | |
class | RingSizeManagerTest |
Unit test for ring size manager. More... | |