Package denoptim.graph.rings


class  ChainLink
 ChainLink represents a vertex in a closable chain. More...
class  ClosableChain
 ClosableChain represents a chain of fragments (chain links) that is closable (or candidate closable). More...
class  CyclicGraphHandler
 This is a tool to identify and manage vertices' connections not included in the DGraph, which is a spanning tree, thus connections that identify cyclic paths in the graph. More...
class  PathClosabilityTools
 Tool box for determining whether a chain of atoms, i.e., a path, can be folded as to form a ring-closing bond that transforms the open chain in a ring. More...
class  PathClosabilityToolsTest
 Unit test for path closability tools. More...
class  PathSubGraph
 This object represents a path in a DGraph. More...
class  PathSubGraphTest
 Unit test for PathSubGraph. More...
class  RandomCombOfRingIteratorTest
 Unit test for the iterator over random combination of rings. More...
class  RandomCombOfRingsIterator
 A class for iterating over sets of ring combinations generated by considering any constrain and setting defined in the fragment space and ring-closure settings and by randomly picking candidates when no criterion can be used to take an informed decision. More...
class  RingClosingAttractor
 The RingClosingAttractor represent the available valence/connection that allows to close a ring. More...
class  RingClosingConformations
 Serializable object to store/get a list of conformations that allow to close a ring from an open chain of atoms. More...
class  RingClosure
 RingClosure represents the arrangement of atoms and PseudoAtoms identifying the head and tail of a chain of atoms. More...
class  RingClosureFinder
 Tool to explore the conformational space of chains of atoms and identify ring closing conformations. More...
class  RingClosureParameters
 Parameters and setting related to handling ring closures. More...
class  RingClosuresArchive
 Data structure to store and handle information about sub-structures (i.e., chains of fragments) and ring closure capability. More...
class  RingSizeManager
 Utility class to calculate and manage the alternative ring sizes achievable by formation of Rings. More...
class  RingSizeManagerTest
 Unit test for ring size manager. More...