Package denoptim.graph


package  rings
package  simplified


class  APClass
class  APClassTest
 Unit test for APClass. More...
class  APMapping
 Class representing a mapping between attachment points (APs). More...
class  APTreeMap
 Attachment point mapping where keys are sorted by natural ordering, i.e., by AttachmentPoint#compareTo(AttachmentPoint). More...
class  AttachmentPoint
 An attachment point (AP) is a possibility to attach a Vertex onto the vertex holding the AP (i.e., the owner of the AP), this way forming a new Edge (i.e., the user of the AP). More...
class  AttachmentPointComparator
 Comparator for DENOPTIMAttachmentPoints. More...
class  AttachmentPointTest
 Unit test for DENOPTIMAttachmentPoint. More...
class  Candidate
 A candidate is the combination of a denoptim graph with molecular representation and may include also fitness/error, and possibly other stuff. More...
class  CandidateLW
 A light-weight candidate is a very low-demanding collection of data upon a specific candidate item. More...
class  DGraph
 Container for the list of vertices and the edges that connect them. More...
class  DGraphTest
 Unit test for DENOPTIMGraph. More...
class  Edge
 This class represents the edge between two vertices. More...
class  EdgeQuery
 A query for edges: a list of properties that target edges should possess in order to match this query. More...
class  EdgeTest
 Unit test for DENOPTIMEdge. More...
class  EmptyVertex
 An empty vertex has the behaviors of a vertex, but has no molecular structure. More...
class  FragIsomorphEdge
class  FragIsomorphNode
class  Fragment
 Class representing a continuously connected portion of chemical object holding attachment points. More...
class  FragmentIsomorphismInspector
class  FragmentIsomorphismInspectorTest
 Unit test for isomorphism inspector. More...
class  FragmentTest
 Unit test for DENOPTIMFragment. More...
enum  GraphPattern
class  RelatedAPPair
 Class representing a pair of AttachmentPoints related by some property that is defined by string. More...
class  RelatedAPPairTest
class  Ring
 This class represents the closure of a ring in a spanning tree. More...
class  RingTest
 Unit test. More...
class  SymmetricAPs
 A collection of AttachmentPoints that are related by a relation that we call "symmetry", even though this class does not define what such relation is. More...
class  SymmetricAPsTest
class  SymmetricSet
 Class representing a list of references pointing to instances that are related by some conventional criterion that is referred to as "symmetry relation". More...
class  SymmetricSetWithMode
 Class coupling a reference to a SymmetricSet with a string that we call "mode" and can is used to store any sort of information. More...
class  SymmetricSetWithModeTest
class  SymmetricVertexes
 A collection of Vertexs that are related by a relation that we call "symmetry", even though this class does not define what such relation is. More...
class  Template
class  TemplateTest
 Unit test for DENOPTIMTemplate. More...
class  UndirectedEdgeRelationTest
 Unit test for UndirectedEdge. More...
class  Vertex
 A vertex is a data structure that has an identity and holds a list of AttachmentPoints. More...
class  VertexQuery
 Query for searching vertices. More...
class  VertexTest
 Unit test for DENOPTIMVertex. More...