Package denoptim.fragspace


class  APMapFinder
 An utility class to encapsulate the search for an AttachmentPoint-AttachmentPoint mapping. More...
class  APMapFinderTest
 Unit test. More...
class  FragmentSpace
 Class defining a space of building blocks. More...
class  FragmentSpaceParameters
 Parameters defining the fragment space. More...
class  FragmentSpaceTest
 Unit test for fragment space. More...
class  FragmentSpaceUtils
 Utility class for the fragment space. More...
class  FragsCombination
 Data structure identifying a combination of one or more pairs of attachment points located on specific fragments/vertices. More...
class  FragsCombinationIterator
 Factory of combination of fragments. More...
class  GraphLinkFinder
 An utility class to encapsulate the search for vertexes that satisfy constraints. More...
class  GraphLinkFinderTest
 Unit test. More...
class  IdFragmentAndAP
 Data structure containing information that identifies a single AP of a vertex/fragment. More...