Package denoptim.utils


class  AtomOrganizer
 Tool for re-organizing the list of atoms of an IAtomContainer More...
class  CartesianSpaceUtils
 Utilities for working in the Cartesian space. More...
class  ConnectedLigand
 A ConnectedLigand is just an atom with an explicit field reporting the number of connected atoms. More...
class  ConnectedLigandComparator
 Compare two ConnectedLigand according to the number of connected atoms and the mass number. More...
enum  CrossoverType
 Types of crossover defined. More...
class  DummyAtomHandler
 Toll to add/remove dummy atoms from linearities or multi-hapto sites. More...
class  FormulaUtils
 Utilities for manipulating molecular formulas. More...
class  FormulaUtilsTest
 Unit test for tools manipulating molecular formulae. More...
class  GeneralUtils
 General utilities. More...
class  GenUtilsTest
 Unit test. More...
class  GraphConversionTool
 Tool to convert string into graphs and into molecular representation. More...
class  GraphConversionToolTest
 Unit test for GraphConversionTool. More...
class  GraphEdit
 Definition of a graph editing task. More...
class  GraphUtils
 Utilities for graphs. More...
class  ManySMARTSQuery
 Container of lists of atoms matching a list of SMARTS. More...
class  MathUtils
 Some useful math operations. More...
class  MoleculeUtils
 Utilities for molecule conversion. More...
class  MoleculeUtilsTest
 Unit test for DENOPTIMMoleculeUtils. More...
enum  MutationType
 Types of mutation defined in relation to what happens to the target vertex (i.e., the actual mutation site), and the child vertices, i.e., any vertices reachable by a directed path from the target vertex. More...
class  ObjectPair
 This class is the equivalent of the Pair data structure used in C++ Although AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<K,V>> is available it does not have a setValue method. More...
class  Randomizer
 Tool to generate random numbers and random decisions. More...
class  RandomizerTest
 Unit test. More...
class  RingClosingUtils
 Toolbox useful when dealing with Ring Closing Attractors and ring closures. More...
class  RotationalSpaceUtils
 Tool box for definition and management of the rotational space, which is given by the list of rotatable bonds. More...
class  SizeControlledSet
 Class meant to collect unique strings without leading to memory overflow. More...
class  SizeControlledSetTest
 Unit test for SizeControlledSet. More...
class  StatUtils
 Utilities for calculating basic statistics. More...
class  TaskUtils
 Utilities for tasks. More...