19package denoptim.utils;
21import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
23import denoptim.fragspace.FragmentSpace;
24import denoptim.graph.AttachmentPoint;
25import denoptim.graph.DGraph;
26import denoptim.graph.EdgeQuery;
27import denoptim.graph.Vertex.BBType;
28import denoptim.graph.VertexQuery;
132 this.idAPOnIncomingGraph = apId;
Container for the list of vertices and the edges that connect them.
A query for edges: a list of properties that target edges should possess in order to match this query...
Query for searching vertices.
Definition of a graph editing task.
DGraph getIncomingGraph()
LinkedHashMap< Integer, Integer > incomingAPMap
Mapping of AttachmentPoints between the current (first entry) and the incoming vertices (second entry...
BBType incomingBBTyp
The type of the building block to use as incoming vertex when performing EditTask#CHANGEVERTEX.
DGraph incomingGraph
The incoming graph for tasks that involve appending a subgraph onto another graph (when doing EditTas...
VertexQuery vertexQuery
Query identifying the vertex that is the center of our attention when performing the graph editing ta...
Integer idAPOnIncomingGraph
The identifier of the AttachmentPoint (AP) of the GraphEdit#incomingGraph when attaching such graph t...
Integer getIncomingAPId()
EditTask task
Type of editing task.
EdgeQuery edgeQuery
Query identifying the edge that is the center of our attention when performing the graph editing task...
void setEdgeQuery(EdgeQuery edgeQuery)
LinkedHashMap< Integer, Integer > getAPMappig()
void setVertexQuery(VertexQuery vertexQuery)
VertexQuery getVertexQuery()
int incomingBBId
Index of the building block to use as incoming vertex when performing EditTask#CHANGEVERTEX.
BBType getIncomingBBType()
void setIncomingGraph(DGraph incomingGraph)
The type of building block.
Defined the kind of graph editing task.
Removes any matching vertex.
Replaces any child (or tree of children) of any vertex matching the vertex query with a given incomin...