19package denoptim.graph;
21import denoptim.graph.Vertex.BBType;
22import denoptim.graph.Vertex.VertexType;
87 this.vertexType = vType;
88 this.buildingBlockType = bbType;
89 this.buildingBlockId = bbID;
91 this.incomingEdgeQuery = eIn;
92 this.outgoingEdgeQuery =
116 this(vID, vType, bbType, bbID,
level, eIn);
117 this.outgoingEdgeQuery = eOut;
A query for edges: a list of properties that target edges should possess in order to match this query...
Query for searching vertices.
VertexQuery(Long vID, VertexType vType, BBType bbType, Integer bbID, Integer level, EdgeQuery eIn)
Constructor from vertex and edge queries.
VertexType vertexType
Query on type of vertex.
VertexQuery(Long vID, VertexType vType, BBType bbType, Integer bbID, Integer level, EdgeQuery eIn, EdgeQuery eOut)
Constructor from vertex and edge queries.
Integer getVertexBBIDQuery()
Integer getVertexLevelQuery()
VertexType getVertexTypeQuery()
EdgeQuery getInEdgeQuery()
Long vertexId
Query on unique identifier or null.
EdgeQuery getOutEdgeQuery()
Integer level
Query about the level of the vertex.
BBType getVertexBBTypeQuery()
BBType buildingBlockType
Query on building block type or null.
EdgeQuery outgoingEdgeQuery
Query on the vertex' out coming connections (i.e., vertex id the source)
Integer buildingBlockId
Query on building block in the library of building blocks, or null.
EdgeQuery incomingEdgeQuery
Query on the vertex' incoming connections (i.e., vertex id the target)
The type of building block.
Flag declaring the type of Vertex implementation.