22import java.util.HashMap;
24import java.util.TreeSet;
26import org.openscience.cdk.CDKConstants;
28import denoptim.constants.DENOPTIMConstants;
General set of constants used in DENOPTIM.
static final String PROVENANCE
SDF tag containing provenance data for a graph.
static final String UNIQUEIDTAG
SDF tag containing the unique identifier of a candidate.
static final String MOLERRORTAG
SDF tag containing errors during execution of molecule specific tasks.
static final String FITNESSTAG
SDF tag containing the fitness of a candidate.
The collection of tunable preferences.
static String tmpSpace
Readable/writable space for tmp files.
static boolean showLegenInMonitorPlot
Choice of displaying legend in monitor plot.
static int graphNodeSize
Graph visualization: size of nodes.
static File lastCutRulesFile
File with last used cutting rules.
static boolean showLegenInEvolutionPlot
Choice of displaying legend in evolution plot.
static int graphLabelFontSize
Graph visualization: font size of labels.
static TreeSet< String > chosenSDFTags
MolecularViewer: list of SDF tags specifying which properties to display.
static Map< String, String > defualtSDFTags
MolecularViewer: default list of SDF tags with corresponding string to display instead of tag.
static int chartPointSize
Evolutionary Inspector: size of points.
static SMITo3DEngine smiTo3dResolver
Selects the engine used to do SMILES-to-3D conversion.
Available engines used to do SMILES-to-3D conversion.